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Welcome to the ARTISTIC Chair Boutique!

I specialize in creative custom upholstery designs with an emphasis on bold colors and eclectic mixed prints! All items are newly upholstered and beautifully refurbished vintage treasures! If you are looking for truly one-of-a-kind stylish statement pieces for the home & workplace, then you are shopping in the right place.

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Meet The Artist: Lene Currie

I am not sure how it all started. I was always interested in interior design – my mother was an interior decorator in Denmark where I grew up.

I went to a garage sale and came home with a chair missing one leg. My husband thought I was crazy and told me my $2.00 chair was beyond repair. A week later the chair had 4 legs and I looked at it and decided it would be a perfect canvas for decoupaging an image of a Picasso woman's face.

After that first try, many more came into life. I would go to garage sales and look for ads in the paper for chairs in need of a little upscaling to revive them to a new life.

The chair must talk to me, and that may take several weeks, till that finally happens. The chair is stripped, repaired, and reglued before I even try to paint it. A design may come to mind, I try to have it printed and later try to upholster the chair. This process takes rather a long time.

about custom ordering

If you have a chair in need of a little help, we can talk about how that could happen.

If you have an idea about a theme you would like to see on a chair from scratch, I may be able to help with suggestions and chair styles and ideas.

Depending on the availability of the chair and the details of the chosen theme, a typical chair takes about 6 weeks to complete.

Featured In

My chairs have been featured in magazines and periodicals as well as gallery showings - See below!